HFCC Kenya Outreach Ministry - St. Josephine Bakhita Secondary School
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Gitare Kenya Outreach Inc.

St. Josephine Bakhita Secondary School

Building the Future, Desk by Desk, Class by Class

"The Lord has loved me so much ..."

St. Josephine Bakhita

St. Josephine Bakhita

" ... We must be compassionate."

1869 - 1947



      "My name is Mary and I am a student at St. Josephine Bakhita School. I live in Cura Village, which is 7km from school. I need to get up very early to get to school on time. There are ten people in my family that includes my parents, four brothers and three sisters. We live on a single piece of land, where we have our three rooms made of timber. We practice subsistence farming on half of our land and have three cows for milking. I get to school by 6:30 am for my morning preps and then lessons start at 8:00 am. My favorite subjects are Biology, English and Kiswahili. I have a very busy day and work hard at my studies. We have clubs after all the lessons and leave school at 5:00 pm to head home."



Kenya Arts and Crafts Sale

July 16, 2022 - FUNDS&FUN GOLF Tournament
2:00 - 6:00pm
BraeBurn, Dansville, NY

September 1, 2, 3 - Sidewalk Sales - Kenya Arts & Crafts
41 Elizabeth St.
Dansville, NY
(Across from St. Mary’s Church )
10:00 am - dusk
Stop by on your way to the Festival of Balloons!

October 8, 9 - Cohocton Fall Foliage Festival
Kenya Arts & Crafts Sale
Located on Festival Grounds in a large white tent .
9:00 am- dusk

To Be Determined - Christmas in the Village Wayland, NY - 3:00 to 7:00 pm.

To Be Determined - Winter in the Village
Dansville, NY

Kenya Craft Tent
September 2022-2023

Download the Annual Appeal Letter

St. Josephine Bakhita Secondary School Annual Appeal

Golf Tournament: July 16, 2022


Click here to learn more  


To establish a co-educational secondary day school in the village of Gitare, Kenya, constructing classrooms and other support facilities in phases over time.

Click here to learn more


Learn about opportunities to donate to or help sponsor the St. Josephine Bakhita Secondary School.

Click here to learn more


Gitare Kenya Outreach Inc. - PO Box 373 - Wayland NY 14572-0373
Non-profit for charitable, religious, educational, social, economic and scientific improvements.
