HFCC Kenya Outreach Ministry - St. Josephine Bakhita Secondary School
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Gitare Kenya Outreach Inc.

St. Josephine Bakhita Secondary School

Building the Future, Desk by Desk, Class by Class

"“One moment that changed my life is when I went to Africa. There were so many things that opened my eyes. I visited Kenya. There I saw poverty like never before. I saw people living in makeshift huts, kids lying in the hot sun, women carrying water and wood on their head which they probably had to walk many miles to get.”                                                    - A.J. Age 11, Visitor to Gitare, Kenya, February 2019."

The Need for Sponsorhip

St. Josephine Bakhita Secondary School  in Gitare, Kenya

St. Josephine Bakhita Secondary School  in Gitare, Kenya

“My wish for the children and teenagers of Gitare is to give them hope to reach a dream – to go to school, do good in school, graduate, get a job and live a good life.”
- Margaret, Age 13, Visitor, February 2019

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St. Josephine Bakhita Secondary School  in Gitare, Kenya

“I remember that in Gitare there were many people walking, few cars and lots of bikes. Although the bikes were rustic, they were a necessity. The boys my age transported water, milk and other supplies over the dirt roads.”
- Elliot, Age 13, Visitor, February 2019



St. Josephine Bakhita Secondary School  in Gitare, Kenya




Gitare Kenya Outreach Inc. - PO Box 373 - Wayland NY 14572-0373
Non-profit for charitable, religious, educational, social, economic and scientific improvements.
